If the third world war happens today how long will it take for the world to end

If the third world war happens today how long will it take for the world to end

If World War III happens in today’s world, its result can be very devastating. Looking at the deadly destructive power and technology of the weapons available in today’s era, it would not be wrong to say that if a world war happens today, then the possibility of global devastation as a result of it will be much higher than before. Let us understand how deadly the Third World War can be and how quickly it can end the world.

The power and effect of nuclear weapons

The biggest concern today is nuclear weapons. Today’s nuclear weapons are many times more destructive than the powerful weapons of the previous world wars. The power of a modern nuclear bomb of today’s era can be hundreds of times more than the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That is, if a nuclear war starts today, the big cities of the world can be completely destroyed in a few hours. Especially America, Russia, China and other countries have so many nuclear weapons that they can destroy the entire earth many times.

devastation after a nuclear attack

If a nuclear war starts, the entire earth will be destroyed in a few hours. But if something survives, it will be destroyed by its after-effects. Actually, when a nuclear explosion takes place, the dust and ashes that rise from it reach the atmosphere. Due to this, sunlight is not able to reach the earth and the effect of global cooling begins. Due to this, the temperature of the earth can fall rapidly, due to which everything on earth can be destroyed.

What will happen if chemical and biological weapons are used

So far you have learned about the devastation caused by nuclear weapons attack. But do you know how dangerous chemical and biological weapons can be? Let us tell you, the use of these weapons can make war more destructive. In fact, chemical weapons like nerve gas, mustard gas, and other poisonous chemicals can kill or affect millions of people at the same time. These weapons

Apart from this, the use of biological weapons such as viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms can create the risk of epidemics. A virus or bacteria used as a biological weapon can spread rapidly and infect or kill millions of people. That is, if a country used biological weapons during the Third World War, it could take the form of a global epidemic. Overall, in today’s time, some countries have so many deadly weapons and technology that they can bring the whole world to the brink of extinction in one stroke.

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